With yesterday’s announcement by the Chief Medical Officer of Health that all events of 250 people or more should be cancelled, and in an effort to protect our audiences and artists, the board and staff of Catalyst Theatre have made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s edition of Over the Edge With 4 Play.
Over the past few days, several of Catalyst’s key donors have contacted us to make their regular annual donation to 4 Play but have indicated that, with the spread of COVID-19, they will be unable to attend the event. For some of our immunocompromised donors the risk of exposure to the virus is literally a life-threatening risk they can’t afford to take. For others, it is out of a public health concern. We at Catalyst, want to take all possible measures to avoid contributing to the spread of COVID-19, and to do what we can to keep everyone in our community safe.
4 Play is a very important fundraiser for Catalyst. As a non-profit theatre we rely upon the support of our donors to make productions like The Invisible- Agents of Ungentlemanly Warfare and 4 Play is the primary focus of our fundraising activity. We are hoping that we can count on you to join our board of directors and our donors, who’ve stepped forward to affirm their 2020 donation, and commit to making your annual donation to 4 Play this year. As always, all donations will receive a tax receipt. In lieu of this year’s event, we will be looking into other ways we can celebrate the generosity of our community of donors.
We’ll certainly miss sharing in the fun with you this year. In the meantime, we extend our wishes that you and all those you love stay healthy over the coming weeks.
Thank you for your support of Catalyst Theatre.